Independent Science Fiction Series You Should Be Reading

If you're a voracious science fiction reader you'll be well aware that the traditional print publishing houses aren't capable of keeping up with your demand for quality books. Even more so, you'll be aware that when it comes to science fiction series the wait between releases can often be painfully long.

If you're a voracious science fiction reader you'll be well aware that the traditional print publishing houses aren't capable of keeping up with your demand for quality books. Even more so, you'll be aware that when it comes to science fiction series the wait between releases can often be painfully long.

Fortunately, the independent eBook scene has more than enough digital pages to occupy you. Here's three independent science fiction series that are currently delighting Kindle readers across the globe.

1. Wool

Hugh Howey's Wool series has been the perfect example of a Kindle sensation. Bridging the gap between science fiction fans and the general book reading public, his novella length tales of human entrapment and farming are wildly popular. You're looking at a series with hundreds of positive reviews and with good reason: Howey's writing is genuinely engaging.

The first five novellas in the series are available separately or as an omnibus edition. Howey has since moved onto the series continuation, which comes under the series title of "First Shift." That omnibus volume is available at this link.

2. Doom Star

The first of the Doom Star books, Star Soldier, was released way back in 2010. Now with six volumes, the series offers plenty of hard scifi to get stuck into. The series draws on plenty of different influences but does so well, refreshing popular concepts with a dreamy, reflective style. At times you'll feel a little like you and the narrator are omnipresent observers - a quality that makes it all too easy to devour the series whole.

You can read more about the Doom Star series and find links to all the current releases at author Vaughn Heppner's website.

3. Star Force

It's incredibly easy to find B. V. Larson's Star Force books on Amazon. The series has been a mainstay of the science fiction chart for longer than I can remember, and at four books deep, as well as other series for readers to enjoy, it's pretty easy to see why. This guy writes, giving his readers a steady stream of books to read. If you're done with Star Force, then why not try Mech or Imperium?

Again, B. V. Larson has a detailed website that will take you through not only his science fiction works, but his fantasy titles too.

Honourable mentions go to Michael R. Hicks' In Her Name, Nathan Lowell's much loved Trader's Tales, and Nick S. Thomas' Battle Earth.

As an independent order looking to establish my own series among the hugely popular names you see here, it'd be a little bit silly not to mention the Legacy Universe. If you're done consuming all the great science fiction, and you've still got some reading in you, then maybe you'll go give the first book a look.

Visit to find out more about Martin Perry's eBook releases, and read more about this new science fiction series. You can also email him at Come back in a week or so for the next instalment!