Katie Hopkins Said She'd Move To The US If Donald Trump Won And Everyone Seems Pretty Pleased

'The best thing about Donald Trump winning...'

As the world comes to terms with the fact that Donald Trump is actually, genuinely going to become president of the United States, some have suggested there could be one small upside.

A tweet from the end of last year from everyone’s favourite pundit Katie Hopkins has resurfaced...

The controversial Daily Mail columnist has been an outspoken supporter of Trump during his campaign for the presidency.

She has not yet commented on whether she will be following up on her pledge.

But it does seem like a number of people want her to...

The controversial pundit has previously hit headlines with sensational election pledges, including the promise to run naked with a sausage up her bum if Sadiq Khan won the London mayoral election. She has not as yet to date carried out the run.

Hopkins spent the US election night tweeting pictures of herself in a Trump hat and sending messages of support to the Republican...