Lindsay Lohan Punched In The Face After Trying To Take Refugee Children From Parents

She live-streamed the entire thing...

Lindsay Lohan posted a bizarre video on Instagram on Saturday night in which she tries to separate two refugee children from their parents after accusing them of “trafficking”.

The actress filmed herself approaching the family, telling the camera they are “Syrian refugees” that she is “really worried about”.

Lohan offers to pay for a hotel for the children where they could “watch a film”. 

The mother refuses the offer only to be told by Lohan: “You should be a hard-working woman and you should be doing what you can for your children, so they have a better life.”

The family then decide to move away are followed by Lohan who accuses the parents of “child trafficking” and “ruining Arab culture” whilst also imitating an Arabic accent.

After asking the children to “give me your hand”, she appears to become involved in a physical altercation with the mother who hits her in the face.

The bizarre exchange was met with a mixture of bewilderment and outrage on social media, with some commentators accusing her of “white saviourism”.

It is not clear where the video was filmed but Lohan has recently tagged social media posts in both Paris and Moscow.