Moss Art: Eco-Friendly Street Art By Strook

Moss Art: The Eco-Friendly Way To Celebrate Nature In Art

For hundreds of years people have found inspiration for their art in nature, writing poems and painting scenes that hope to capture the essential beauty of the living world. But how many have rolled up their sleeves and turned nature itself into art?

1998's infamous Turner Prize winner Chris Ofili springs to mind, who painted his pictures using elephant dung. Ice-sculptors, maybe. And don't crop circles count, assuming they're not really made by aliens?

Joining this illustrious list is street artist Stefaan De Croock - aka Strook - who has created a work of art out of a wall of moss using a fun-looking pressurized water gun. With it he's drawn a stunning gigantic sketch outside of the STUK art center in Leuven, Belgium.

As well as looking rather fetching, Strook's moss art is eco-friendly as it lacks the toxins and chemicals of regular art materials.

Take a look for yourself below.