David Zinn's 3D Chalk Creatures: The Cutest Street Art Around?

The Cutest Art You'll See All Day

David Zinn makes streets a little brighter, if only for a few hours.

The chalk artist has become known in his hometown of Ann Arbor, America, for his brightly coloured little creatures dotting the pavement.

Zinn, who has been "drawing for as long as [he] can remember", started the project because he wanted to create "something absurd, anonymous and temporary".

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Just one of the ways Zinn plays with the streets

He tells HuffPost Culture, "My inner child convinced my inner boss that some pointless doodling in the fresh air would cleanse my creative palate."

Since then, Zinn's project has spread across the pavements, even if each piece might be washed away or fade after a short while. Surprisingly, Zinn says this is why he continues with his inventive street art: "It's a big part of the motivation: the freedom of knowing that what I'm creating will be scrubbed away by rain or feet in the near future, so there's no need to worry about whether it's good enough or important enough to exist."

Quality or importance aside, Zinn's work is making people smile.

What do you think - would you like to see more street art like this?