Trade Union Bill: 9 Things They've Done That Has Changed Work For Us All

9 Things Trade Unions Have Done For Workers

As the Trade Union Bill moves through Parliament, the opposition to it is intensifying.

Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has voiced his concerns at the Conservative government's proposals to impose restrictions on strike ballots, picketing, and even social media use.

But what have trade unions actually done for us in the first place?

Well, quite a lot it turns out. Here's just 9 things trade unions have helped achieve...

9 Things Trade Unions Have Done For Us
Introduced the 9 to 5(01 of09)
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Without trade unions promoting the aim of a 40-hour work week, there would have been no pressure on employers to limit the amount of time employees spend working.
While of course employees are free to choose how long they spend working, trade unions worked to ensure this was the choice of a worker, not their boss.
The movement for an 8-hour work day peaked at the turn of the 20th century, just before the First World War.
And more recent moves towards re-imagining the working day have seen big businesses use technology to limit after-hours email traffic. Arguably such ideas are borne out of trade union campaigning more than a century ago.
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Increased the amount of annual leave(02 of09)
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While European rules introduced the basic legal right to paid-for annual leave, it is the trade unions which fought for enhanced entitlements over and above the basic EU provision.
Since the early 2000s, the Trades Union Congress has fought for increases to the amount of leave, which is now the equivalent of 5.6 working weeks (PDF).
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Forced employers to abide by contracts(03 of09)
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Before the Employers and Workmen Act 1875, workers were the only ones who could be sued for breach of an employment contract.
The increased organisation of trade unions and the Great Reform Act prompted both Tory and Liberal governments of the time to take a renewed interest in employment laws.
Ultimately this brought about greater parity in the relationship between employer and employee.
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Lifted restrictions on parental leave(04 of09)
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Trade unions were instrumental in lobbying government for the provision of leave for new parents - at workers' own discretion.
In 1998, the Trades Union Congress launched a campaign to ensure that proposed parental leave would be flexible and well promoted to employees.
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Tackled discrimination(05 of09)
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Cases of discrimination aren't uncommon, but they'd be a lot more if it weren't for trade unions.
As the European Commission says: "Trade unions play a primary role in fighting against discrimination through a variety of actions and tools".
They negotiate with employers, support victims, and monitor discrimination cases - keeping up-to-date with the latest case law so that we don't have to.
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Helped introduce the minimum wage(06 of09)
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Although trade unions had reservations about the effect of a national minimum wage, they declared their support for the policy in the mid-1980s.
By the 1990s, scholarly evidence caught up with the unions - arguing that a minimum wage would not reduce adult-age employment (PDF).
And through the Labour Party, trade unions were able to influence policy in government after the 1997 election.
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Allowed us to talk to bosses about pay and conditions(07 of09)
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In the 1840s, unions that were highly centralised and which employed full-time officers brought about negotiation and arbitration as their preferred method of achieving a good deal for their members.
This had a significant effect in improving worker/industrialist relations, and while not always successful, they fundamentally changed workplace relationships for the better.
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Proved the power of the petition(08 of09)
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In the 1830s, a Chartist movement was organised around 6 clear principles - and mobilised mass support for its aims through petitions.
Just like trade unions, the Chartists' relied on collective aims amongst like-minded people - most visible in the form of three 'monster' petitions presented to Parliament. These contained millions of signatures and proved a desire amongst workers for improved working conditions.
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And gave us the weekend(09 of09)
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The history of the working week lies in industrial practices, and in Britain factories operated 6 days a week to maintain efficiencies of scale.
Sundays were always the day of rest.
But trade unions fought to secure the Saturday for workers, too. And now the Monday-to-Friday work week is accepted across industries, as the LSE notes.
(credit:Thank you for choosing my work. via Getty Images)