'UFO' Lights Spotted In Scottish Snowstorm (Video)

‘UFO' Lights Spotted In Scottish Snowstorm (Video)

A video featuring two glowing lights zipping across a foggy Scottish sky is promising to have UFO sighting groups into a lather.

The footage was reportedly recorded on a dashboard-mounted camera on a Scottish mountain rescue vehicle on 1 January, and features the orbs appearing just as an oncoming vehicle passes the camera.

Some critics claim the lights are simply lens flares from the oncoming car reflected in the camera.

But others note the “creepy” lights are unevenly spaced and don’t correspond with the position of the vehicle.

It’s also unlikely any aircraft would have been flying in such dense fog….which begs the question, what is it?

The sighting is one of the first of the new year and follows similar reports of unidentified craft hovering above Trekhgorny, Russia, and another in Bolotnaya Square, in Moscow.