Dog Actually Faints With 'Overwhelming Joy' At Seeing Owner Rebecca Ehalt (VIDEO)

Dog Actually Faints With 'Overwhelming Joy' At Seeing Owner

This dog seriously cannot handle all the feelings right now.

Casey the Schnauzer was so overwhelmed with joy at seeing a family member, after two years apart, that he literally fainted, and had to be given medical attention.

The YouTube video, which has had more than 3.7m views in under 48 hours, shows Schnauzer squealing with joy as he paws at the woman, and then momentarily passing out.

Video owner Rebecca Ehalt said his joy was understandable, because two years "in fairness is 14 years in dog years".

The family member had been living in Slovenia, the video's caption said, and didn't return to their home in Murrysville, Pennsylvania last year, because her whole family came to visit her in the Alpine town Bled for her wedding.