Emily Blunt Ordered To 'Leave Hollywood' By Fox News Host Over Citizenship Joke

Fox News Nativist Orders British Actress To 'Leave Hollywood'

NEW YORK -- One of the presenters on the Fox News morning show “Fox and Friends” has advised British actress Emily Blunt to “leave Hollywood.”

The Roehampton-born thespian recently became a citizen of the United States -- a move she joked was “a terrible mistake,” after watching last month’s Republican presidential primary debate in Ohio. She also quipped about having to renounce her allegiance to the Queen during the citizenship ceremony… but not actually mean it.

This proved too much for Anna Kooiman, who said on Tuesday:

She goes on to say this about becoming an American citizen, 'I'm not sure I'm entirely thrilled about it. People ask me about the whole day. They were like, oh it must have been so emotional. I was like it wasn’t, it was sad. I like being British.' Well you know what, then why don't you leave Hollywood, California, and let some American women take on the roles that you're getting, because Americans are watching your movies and lining your pockets.

Kooiman’s colleague Steve Doocey suggested Blunt had “Dixie Chicked herself,” a reference to the popular country and western band that said they were “ashamed that the President of the United States is from Texas” during the build up to the Iraq war.

“She has alienated half the country,” sniffed the Dooce. “They now will think twice about going to one of her movies."

Blunt has yet to comment on whether she’ll leave her multimillion-dollar career in Hollywood on the say-so of a pair of daytime TV presenters.