Fox News Appeals To Gen X For Help. Gen X Tells Fox News Where To Stick It

The right-wing network's call for help in its culture wars backfires hilariously.

Fox News tried to enlist Generation X into its manufactured “cancel culture” war on Monday. 

It didn’t go well. 

Over the weekend, author Matthew Hennessey wrote a column in the New York Post calling on Generation X “to fight the cancel culture” that has become a constant right-wing talking point, especially on Fox News.

Senator Ted Cruz shared a link to the story, and naturally, Fox News picked up the cause with a direct appeal to Gen X:

Many Gen Xers were quick to point out that the prime Fox News demographic today were the “adults” of the 1970s and ’80s who attempted to restrict or ban everything from rap and heavy metal music to video games to Dungeons and Dragons. 

That, combined with the generation’s proud indifference, led to a swift reply on social media suggesting that Gen X is sending the Fox News call straight to voicemail: