Jimmy Savile Sex Abuse: Picture of Boy On Day He Claims He Was Molested

PICTURED: Sunny Holiday Snaps From The Day A Boy Was Molested By Jimmy Savile

A picture has been released of a boy standing next to Jimmy Savile's Rolls-Royce on the same day he claims he was abused by the TV star.

The alleged victim, who is now middle-aged, was photographed standing next to the luxury car in 1972 on the same day he claims he was assaulted by the presenter on Southsea Common in Portsmouth.

The victim, who has not been identified, was visiting the Hampshire seaside resort with his family.

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A boy standing next to Jimmy Savile's Rolls-Royce on the same day he claims he was abused by the TV star

Pannone Solicitors, which are representing the alleged victim, are appealing for information on why Savile was in Southsea.

It is understood that he was attending a charity event for people who played disabled sports but the legal team want to find out more about the day.

Alan Collins, a solicitor who specialises in child abuse cases for Pannone, said: "We want to know more about what this event in Southsea was.

"The victim remembers it being a charity event for disabled sports people.

"We want to know specifically if Savile was the guest of honour and who was involved in arranging his visit.

"An organiser wouldn't get into trouble because they may not be the person or organisation who employed Mr Savile.

"Once we have established those details we can then see whether the victim has a case which we can pursue against Jimmy Savile's estate."

The alleged victim has reported the incident to a police force in the north east and is preparing a statement for the Metropolitan Police.

He is being assessed by a psychiatrist as part of his compensation case.

Mr Collins added: "This is a typical child abuse case. The victim has for many years been able to suppress what happened to him.

"Now with all the attention surrounding Mr Savile the memories have come back."