White House Welcomes Two Very Good Boys As Biden's Dogs Move In

German shepherds Champ and Major took up residence with their parents, president Joe Biden and Dr Jill Biden, again this weekend.

Who let the dogs in? Well, president Joe Biden did.

As the president and his family settle in to the White House, two very important family members made the trip to their new home this weekend: Major and Champ.

The pair of German shepherds belonging to Biden and his wife, first lady Dr Jill Biden, arrived this weekend, marking the first time a pet has taken up residence in the White House since the Obamas left in 2017.

Notably, Donald Trump was the first president in more than 100 years not to have had a pet while in office.

“The first family wanted to get settled before bringing the dogs down to Washington from Delaware,” said Michael LaRosa, press secretary for Dr Biden, in a statement to CNN on Monday. “Champ is enjoying his new dog bed by the fireplace, and Major loved running around on the south lawn.”

Of the two very good boys, Champ has lived with the Bidens since December 2008, previously cohabitating with the family at the vice president’s residence during Obama’s presidency. Major, who is three, is the first ever dog adopted from a shelter to live in the White House. 

The dogs even have a Twitter account dedicated to their lives – @TheFirstDogs – where updates about their goings-on are often posted.