Kim Davis, Kentucky Clerk Who Denied Homosexuals Marriage Licenses, Sobs About Being Called 'Hitler'

Christian Who Denied Marriage Licenses Sobs About Being Called 'Hitler'

Having denied homosexuals their legal right to marry, Kentucky clerk Kim Davis played the victim on Monday, sobbing to ABC that she had been called "Hitler." Through tears, the four-times married Apolistic Christian told the broadcaster that critics had dismissed her as a “homophobe” and a “hypocrite,” but said, “Those names don’t hurt me.”

In an exclusive interview to be aired on Tuesday, the elected official said: "What probably hurts me the worst is when someone tells me that my God does not love me or that my God is not happy with me, that I am a hypocrite of a Christian." When asked to which authority she defers, Davis responded: “My constituents elected me but the main authority that rules my life is the Lord.”

She said she had received a barrage of hate mail, but that she is just a “normal person that has been touched by the grace of God and his mercy.” When told about a man from her county who said receiving a marriage license made him feel human, Davis said: "I don't think dignity is guaranteed in the constitution. I think dignity is something you find in yourself."

The clerk, who works in Rowan County, gained international notoriety earlier this month after refusing to carry out a court order to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. She claimed she could not do her duty, as it would violate her religious conscience.

She was subsequently arrested, spending five days in jail before being released on condition that she doesn’t interfere with her office deputies issuing the documentation.

Despite the judge’s order, questions remain over whether Davis has interfered with the process, with allegations that the clerk has tampered with documentation by removing her name. Mat Staver, Davis’ lawyer, maintains his client has not interfered with the issuance of licenses.