Russell Brand Vs Sean Hannity: Yousef Munayyer Points Out YouTube Views Beat Fox News Ratings

Man Bullied By Sean Hannity Has The Last Laugh, Thanks To Russell Brand

The man who was bullied by Fox News host Sean Hannity - triggering the spat between Hannity and Russell Brand - has had the last laugh thanks to the actor and comedian.

Yousef Munayyer, a Palestinian American lawyer and analyst, was asked by Hannity why he could not get it through his "thick skull" that Hamas is a terrorist organisation and, presumably by extension, the carnage and deaths of more than 1,700 Palestinians was justified.

Brand intervened on his YouTube channel to criticise Hannity's aggressive style, prompting a response from the host and another video by Brand.

Hannity set out to disprove allegations he was a mindless bully by calling Brand a "D List actor" and saying he was "best known for his failed marriage to Katy Perry".

But Munayyer noticed something funny - the number of people who've watched the first of Brand's video on the subject alone is higher than those who watched the Fox News segment where Hannity bullied him - a fact he decided to share with his followers.

The video is Brand's most viewed ever, which he attributed to Hannity, whom he called "my boyfriend", and his "comrades" at Fox News.

In his latest video which has had more than 600,000 views, Brand made an emotional appeal for Hannity to "return to humanity," after the Fox News anchor said Israel has shown "too much restraint" over the Gaza conflict.

Hannity and Fox news, Brand said, have trivialised one of the "worst conflicts on the planet", while Hannity's "vitriol and propaganda" is only exacerbating the crisis.

"To them it is just a game, to them it is just entertainment, that's what I find most difficult," Brand said.

Speaking directly to the camera, Brand gently addresses Hannity directly saying: "Sean, you are a human being, come back to humanity. You've lost yourself mate."

"Tonight when you go home, look in the mirror for a little while, take a deep breath, remember how you were as a child, remember how you feel about the people you love… try and speak from a perspective of love not from vengeance and hatred."