Scottish Referendum Results Give Birth To 'The 45'

'The 45' Are Here, And They're Not Going To Take It Anymore (Or Pay Their Licence Fee)

They have said they will not go quietly into the night, that they will not vanish without a fight, they're going to live on, they're going to survive, they are 'the 45%'.

Does that quote sound familiar? Yes, that's right, frustrated pro-indy Scots are quoting the much-loved Will Smith movie Independence Day to voice their resistance to the result of yesterday's historic referendum vote in which more than two million people rejected independence.

But rather than referring to hordes of tentacled aliens intent on destroying mankind, some Scots were using the speech, made by the actor Bill Pullman and modified from William Shakespeare's Henry V, to make it clear that they were unhappy with the outcome of the democratic vote.

Displaying levels of political engagement that would surely make both the Yes camp and Better Together proud, Scots continued to hotly debate the result of the referendum in a warning to Westminster that they will not give up on their fight for independence.

Thousands took to Twitter Saturday, with the hashtag #the45 trending as Scots from camp Yes warned the rest of the UK to "expect them."

Conspiracy theories surrounding a cover-up and vote rigging were rife amid the tweets, while others said "the fight will go on."

After months of accusations being thrown at the BBC for biased reporting, many of the 45ers have also revealed they will no longer be paying their BBC licences saying "enough is enough."

The campaign goes directly against what former prime minister Gordon Brown urged for Scots this morning - that the time has come to throw away the Yes and No signs and for the country to unite in order to tackle what many perceive as the political inequity of Westminster.

Urging the two opposing camps to come together, Brown said Saturday: "I would make a plea this morning, that the Yes and No posters, let's throw them away. That the Yes and No stickers, let's cast them aside and consign them to the history books."

Brown this morning set out proposals for a united Scotland and pledged that the promises made on further devolution would be delivered.

As political wrangling in Westminster continued over his successor's plans for sweeping constitutional reform across the United Kingdom, Brown said: "There is a time to fight but there is a time to unite and this is the time for Scotland to unite and see if it can find common purpose and move from the battle ground to the common ground and let us seek to find high ground in trying to find a way forward for the future."

But it seems on social media, at least, that the Yes camp aren't prepared to let the issue of independence rest just yet.

Others, were not so keen, and responded to the 45% and their accusations of the result being fixed with exasperation, telling those concerned that "this is Scotland, not Sudan."

Additionally, despite acceptance from Alex Salmond that the outcome of the vote was the "the democratic verdict of the people of Scotland", a petition saying the outcome of the referendum vote was rigged has garnered more than 70,000 supporters.

It may have been the largest turnout in UK history with a majority vote of ‘No’, but thousands are demanding a revote.

The petition states:

Countless evidences of fraud during the recent Scottish Referendum have come to light, including two counts of votes being moved in bulk into a No pile, Yes votes clearly being seen in no piles and strange occurences [sic] with dual fire alarms and clear cut fraud in Glasgow. We demand a revote be taken of said referendum, where each vote shall be counted by two individuals, one of whom should be an international impartial party without a stake in the vote.

The allegations of votes being miscounted refers to this video that nationalists have said "proves" the referendum was rigged:

But the conspiracy theory has been promptly dismissed by Yes Dundee who said it was nothing to worry about…

Scottish nationalists were told to "get a grip" after angry pro-indy supporters vented their frustrations, and called for a recount, on social media yesterday after the result was announced.