Ukip Expat Voting Map Confusingly Shows Support From China, India And The Outback

Very Ironic Ukip Map Claims Support From China, India And The Outback

Ukip has released an astoundingly ironic new election graphic encouraging voters living abroad to register to vote in the 2015 general election.

The graphic, which bears the details of Ukip chairman Steve Crowther, is a Dads' Army-style map showing different coloured 'X's' of various parties across the world. It appears to show Ukip and the Lib Dems battling it out in Japan, Labour dominating Scandinavia, and Ukip making strong gains in northern India and central China.

Perhaps most perplexingly, Ukip looked to be doing the most well in Western Australia, in The Outback.

The slogan says "Expats! Do your bit on May 7th! Register to vote online today!'

The irony was not lost on many on social media.

The call is particularly, and deliciously, ironic because of comments from Nigel Farage showing he is much less keen on allowing immigrants (obviously very different from ex-pats) living in Britain to vote in any future referendums.

According to the Ukip leader, millions of EU citizens in the UK should be barred from voting in any referendum on whether Britain should leave it. Farage told the BBC he would insist on this as an essential condition to any coalition deal with the Tories after the next general election.

EU citizens living in Britain cannot vote in general elections but they can vote in local and European Parliament polls.