Barack Obama's Democratic Convention Speech Lauded As One Of The 'Greatest Of All Time'

'I thought Trump could win. Then Obama spoke.'

Barack Obama’s zinger-laden speech labelling Trump a “homegrown demagogue” is being lauded as one of the “greatest of all time”.

The US President not only managed to list Trump in the same company as jihadists... 

He finally managed to change the mind of some of the Republican’s supporters..

Not to mention his great one-liners... like this one..

And simple, but effective rebuttals...

There was something for everyone... no one was left out...

Obama on Wednesday implored America to cast aside the “pessimistic vision” of Trump for Hillary Clinton who he said believes in the optimism that drives this nation. 

“America is already great. America is already strong,” Obama said, adding that “our strength, our greatness, does not depend on Donald Trump”.

He said America had changed over the years, “but these values my grandparents taught me - they haven’t gone anywhere. They’re as strong as ever; still cherished by people of every party, every race, and every faith. That’s what matters.”

Obama added: “That’s why our military can look the way it does, every shade of humanity, forged into common service.  That’s why anyone who threatens our values, whether fascists or communists or jihadists or homegrown demagogues, will always fail in the end.”

In an endorsement of Clinton that couldn’t have been more forthright, he said: “There has never been a man or woman, not me, not Bill (Clinton) - nobody more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as president of the United States.

“Tonight, I ask you to do for Hillary Clinton what you did for me. I ask you to carry her the same way you carried me.” 

On Trump, Obama said: “What we heard was a deeply pessimistic vision of a country where we turn against each other, and turn away from the rest of the world.

“There were no serious solutions to pressing problems ― just the fanning of resentment and blame and anger and hate.”

Obama offered an alternative to Trump’s vision for America, one under siege from illegal immigrants, crime and terrorism, saying he felt “more optimistic about the future of America than ever before”.

After Obama’s speech, Clinton joined him on stage where they hugged, clasped hands and waved to the crowd.

Clinton made history on Tuesday when she became the first woman to secure the presidential nomination from a major party.