This Scathing Supercut Exposes Trump's Long History Of Racism

The montage starts by recalling the president's racist attacks in the 1980s.

Journalist Ari Melber aired a montage of Donald Trump’s decades of racism during Wednesday’s broadcast of The Beat on MSNBC.

And the anchor asked viewers: “Are you for or against this?”, referring to the choice voters have to make in the US election on 3 November. 

The scathing 80-second supercut begins by recalling Trump’s racist attacks in the late 1980s on the teens falsely convicted in the so-called Central Park Five case.

It also calls out Trump over his promotion of the racist birther conspiracy theory about former President Barack Obama and ends with Trump’s instruction to the far-right Proud Boys group, during the first presidential debate with Democratic nominee Joe Biden, to “stand back and stand by.”

Watch the montage here: