Here's How Making The Right Choices Will Benefit You

It makes a difference if you pay attention to yourself and start choosing to let go, be more positive and be kinder to yourself (and others, of course).
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We all have choices in life. In fact, our day starts with choices, off the bat. You chose what you will be wearing that day (which often, is influenced by the weather or whatever occasion requires your time that day). Much the same, we have choices every day when it comes to how we will approach that specific day. It is true that our choices are also often times based on our frame of reference.

We draw from our experiences when it comes to the choices we make each day. This is where the difficulty arises. Have you been feeling like the whole world is out to get you and you just cannot trust anyone? Well, that could very well be based on past experiences and how you perceive the world to work right now. The thing is – we can make our lives a whole lot easier.

I don't believe that anyone wants to go through life feeling burdened, negative and with the weight of unforgiveness on their shoulders. No-one wants to feel bad, all the time. Sure, there are moments when we are called to defend ourselves or to stand up for a greater good however, when it comes to day to day life... Perhaps we can be kinder to ourselves by releasing ourselves from the excess stuff that we just don't need and don't feel comfortable with.

When you are feeling uncomfortable with life in general and you seem to just be attracting all kinds of really tough situations, it may be time to take stock and make some changes. Our thoughts and our words carry a massive role in how we approach our days. Have you spent some time paying attention to the thoughts you have and the words you use? You may not even realise how much negative thinking you are doing.

It may seem flaky but, I can tell you from personal experience that it makes a difference if you pay attention to yourself and start choosing to let go, be more positive and be kinder to yourself (and others, of course). You may not always get the same from other people but does it really matter? Perhaps that person is also fighting a battle to become kinder to themselves. Give them the space they need as you should give yourself the space that you need.

All those burdens you are carrying, they were meant to be moments in time where you learned something, they were not meant to become permanent fixtures in your life.

Take a breath, be kind to yourself, let some stuff go and start looking up from the chaos and routine of the everyday. You just never know what you might make space for and in any case, you deserve a life where you are not burdened by excess baggage.

Let it all go. Learn from it, sure, but let it go once you have learned. It's time to move on and embrace some new joy!