Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump Comments On Immigrants Are 'Appalling'

Donald Trump Just Threw ANOTHER Tantrum After Hillary Clinton Told Him Where To Get Off

US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has spoken of her outrage at comments about immigrants made by Republican hopeful Donald Trump.

Trump's controverisal remarks caused widespread dismay when he alleged that undocumented immigrants crossing the border from Mexico were: "People that have lots of problems" and that: "They're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists."

Clinton told the National Council of La Raza: "I don't have to wait to become President to take a stand right here and right now against the divisive rhetoric that demonises immigrants and their families.

"It was appalling to hear Donald Trump describe immigrants as drug dealers, rapists and criminals, It is shameful, and no one should stand for it, so, I have just one word for Mr Trump, basta, enough."

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Hillary Clinton takes a stand against Republican candidate Donald Trump

The democratic presidential candidate reiterated her point by tweeting 'Basta', the Spanish word for enough:

In the speech she once again promised to push for comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

Trump responded to the speech by posting a statement on his Facebook page which claimed that Clinton lied about his comments. He said: "Hillary Clinton, who is desperately trying to hold on to her lead in the democratic primary against Bernie Sanders, is knowingly putting out lies about my stance on illegal immigration"

His personal attack on Clinton stooped to a new low when he said: "Hillary should spend more time producing her illegally hidden emails and less time trying to obfuscate a statement by me that is totally clear and obviously very much accepted by the public as true."

At a different event at the New School in New York, Clinton also discussed her campaign for middle class wages. She praised some policies brought forward by President Barack Obama but suggested that more needed to be done.

The Democratic candidate said that higher wages are driven by strong, fair and long-term growth, offering policy proposals that fit into each of those three categories.