Indian Stuntman Sailendra Nath Roy Dies After Travelling Via Ponytail On Zip Wire

Indian Stuntman Dies After Attempting Zip Wire Pony Tail Feat

An Indian stuntman who held the Guinness World Record for travelling on a zip wire by his ponytail, has died during his latest attempt at the feat.

Sailendra Nath Roy was performing the stunt to large crowds who lined a bridge on the Teesta river in West Bengal, when he suffered a heart attack.

Witnesses said he was hanging from the wire for 45mins, with no emergency services present as he performed the stunt.

Police said he had not sought permission to attempt the feat, and had set up the wire himself with friends, earlier on Sunday morning.

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Indian stuntman Sailendra Nath Roy is watched by onlookers at the River Teesta

A driver for the police, amateur stuntman Mr Roy was attempting to cross the zip wire 600ft long, hanging from 20m high, according to the BBC.

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Mr Roy was attempting to cross the turbulent river Teesta in the state of West Bengal

Mr Roy had completed many stunts using his ponytail.

In 2008, he pulled the Darjeeling toy train with his ponytail, and in 2007 he flew from one building to another with his ponytail tied to a rope.