Need Some Joy? Pandas Sliding Starfish-Style In Snow Will Likely Do The Trick

The giant pandas at the National Zoo know how to make the most of a snow day — head first and belly up.

Pandas + snow = endless amusement.

It’s hard to say whether the pandas or the people watching have more fun. Video released Sunday by the Smithsonian’s National Zoo show adult giant pandas Mei Xiang and Tian Tian going all out on the roly-poly snow-day activities, sliding, somersaulting and starfishing in the frosting that caked their Washington, DC home.

Most parts of the city saw 2-3 inches of snowfall Sunday, the first significant snowfall in two years.

Mei Xiang and Tian Tian’s 5-month-old cub, Xiao Qi Ji, also ventured out into the winter wonderland for the first time but didn’t stay out for long, according to NBC Washington. When the cub reaches age 4, he’ll be sent to China to become part of the breeding population there.

Giant pandas have lived at the National Zoo since 1972 and the organization collaborates closely with counterparts in China for giant panda conservation efforts.

Watch the snowy silliness below.