Pro-EU March For Unity Demonstration Cancelled One Day After It Was Announced

The biggest demonstration in British history was against the Iraq War.

A pro-EU demonstration hoping to attract one million supporters, matching the biggest march in British history, has been cancelled just one day after it was announced. 

March for Unity’s event sought to persuade Prime Minister-in-waiting Theresa May to pause Britain’s exit from the European Union.

Campaigners who organised the event want to stall the activation of Article 50 which would lead to Britain leaving the EU.

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A March for Europe demonstration held in London on July 2 attracted 50,000 people.
Neil Hall / Reuters

But the rally was cancelled on Tuesday, less than a day after it was first announced on Facebook. The reason why it was called off is not clear.

Organisers said in a statement: “We are also reviewing what is the best strategy to come together once more.

“We have decided to halt the next march on July 30 for the moment.

“We are looking at where the next march will have most impact and what date is best for everyone to get behind.”

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A number of supporters vented disappointment at the move

The largest ever rally in London was held in 2003 against the Iraq War, attracting one million people.

March for Unity rally organisers had hoped that their event would be just as successful and had planned a series of demonstrations across the UK at the end of the month.

In a Facebook post on Monday organisers explained why they were arranging the march: “We want the Government to freeze the activation of Article 50.

“We believe that a period of democratic discussion is necessary so that the EU and the UK can outline the new form of partnership.

“Proceeding to Brexit when the country is divided and the consequences unclear and fraught with risk, is dangerous and there is a better way.

“We believe that it is critical that people have their say on this new relationship.

“We want to hear the views of all supporters on the best routes forward.”