Statue Of Liberty Goes 'Lights Off' For International Women's Day In Perfect Message To Donald Trump

Power cut or cutting social commentary?

One of the world’s most iconic female landmarks paid an accidental tribute to the millions of people celebrating International Women’s Day on Wednesday.

The Statue of Liberty “went dark” in the early hours of the morning, after all the lights illuminating her on Liberty Island cut out at once. 

Some heralded the unexpected event as the “perfect symbolism” for the Donald Trump era on a poignant day that celebrates women and fights for gender equality.

The metaphorical mishap started late last night in New York - around 10:30pm local time - when the powerful lamps illuminating Lady Liberty short-circuited. 

Only her torch and crown remained lit.

The event was blamed on a “technical glitch” with a National Parks Service spokesperson reported as saying: “We believe it is related to the activation of a new emergency backup generator which is being installed as a part of our last remaining hurricane Sandy recovery project.”

But that didn’t stop thousands of social media users suggesting the power cut had a deeper significance. 

Many people jokingly suggested the neoclassical sculpture being plunged into darkness meant it was joining in on the ‘Day Without A Woman’ campaign.

The initiative calls for women to strike and march on cities worldwide to highlight the important role they play in society.

A longer explanation from the Parks Services read:

"A portion of the lighting system that illuminated the Statue of Liberty experience a temporary, unplanned outage tonight. 

"The outage was most likely due to work related to an ongoing project to activate a new emergency backup generator that is part of our last remaining Hurricane Sandy recovery projects. 

"We will be able to confirm the cause when crews return to the island Wednesday morning."