The Apprentice Preview: Some Candidates Fail To Sparkle In This Week's Fizzy Wine Task (PHOTOS)


Did you know that St Pancras International Train Station has the longest champagne bar in Europe? Me neither. But that's where Lord Sugar's candidates find themselves this week, at an unsocial hour, to face their next task - to promote the ENGLISH Sparkling Wine industry and beat the French at their own game.

Each team has to come up with a campaign, a website and a pitch to some of the industry's big cheeses.

A diminished Phoenix quickly poach Nick from Sterling, and Tom is their natural choice for team leader, as he runs his own wine company (I always forget, this lot have actual jobs). Meanwhile, over on Sterling, Ricky is a reluctant leader, placing his faith in the marketing skills of Stephen and Jenna.

Who's going to have a corker of a week, and whose bubble is about to burst? Here are some choice moments from tonight's episode...

- Adam turning himself into a wine connoisseur in one giggly day - "I know zero about wine... you can smell Christmas cake."

- Ricky knowing even less - “I have probably only drunk wine once or twice in the past, I hate the stuff."

- Karren Brady's lack of approval for Tom's absence from the marketing campaign, in favour of a day of wine "research" - "Should the project manager be having fun or should he actually be in control of the task?"

- And Nick Hewer's even deeper unhappiness with Stephen’s contribution of the word "Grandeur" to the brand - "Grandeur, as a generic name for English sparkling wines. It’s a French word....”

- Jenna channelling her inner Beckham when it comes to the photo shoot: “The more eye-catching it is, the more people are going to look at it. When I get married I want a throne.”

- Ricky's reaction: “I don’t know what to say. I’d say it was a lot cheesier than I was expecting.

The Apprentice is on BBC1 tonight at 9pm. Check back here for our review, and see if you agree with Lord Sugar's decision. Pictures here of this week's bunch of grapes in action...

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