Bill Burr Tears Into Florida Governor: ‘F**king Piece Of S**t Politicians’

The Florida Republican's Covid-19 stance was "unbelievable," said the comedian.

Comedian Bill Burr tore into Florida Governor Ron De Santis on his podcast, slamming the Republican for banning mask mandates as his own state becomes the epicenter of the highly transmissible Delta variant of Covid-19.

“DeSantis, whoever this guy is – and they have the most grumpiest looking photo ever – this guy is starting to build stature in 2024 and he says he disagrees on mask mandates,” Burr began the latest episode of his Monday Morning Podcast show, referencing DeSantis’ rumoured run for US president.

“The amount of people who not only don’t even own a microscope or even have a pair of scrubs – you know, unless they went to some Halloween party – who are literally questioning doctors. It’s just – at this point it’s just hilarious,” Burr said in the programme released on Monday.

“These fucking piece of shit politicians,” he added. “He knows that that’s what his fanbase wants him to do so that’s what the fuck he’s gonna do. Unbelievable.”

Donald Trump apologist DeSantis last month issued an executive order aimed at banning schools in the state from mandating the use of masks to curb the spread of Covid-19.

Listen to Burr’s comments here: