Jaime Winstone Sports Shaved Head At Elfie Hopkins Premiere

Jaime Winstone's Shaved Head At Premiere

New film means new hair for Jaime Winstone, sporting a bold buzzcut for the premiere of her new film, Elfie Hopkins.

The actress was on the red carpet in London along with her father Ray, who also appeared in the horror-thriller, and fellow cast members Anuerin Barnard, Kate Magowan and Kimberley Nixon.

In the film, Winstone plays the title character Elfie, a rebellious young woman forced to turn detective when her sleepy village becomes the setting of a series of unexplained murders.

Winstone is also a producer on the film, which she says has been in her head for the last few years, even while she has been making her name in other projects, such as Donkey Punch, Made in Dagenham and Anuvahood.