Love Island: 7 Things We Predict Will Happen As The Casa Amor Twist Ends

Caroline Flack is back for the moment we've all been waiting for – the recoupling.

And just like that, it’s time to close the doors to Casa Amor for another year. 

But the drama isn’t over just yet, with the end of Love Island’s big annual twist also signalling the most dramatic recoupling of the series, as the original Islanders decide whether to remain loyal to their partner, or ditch them in favour of a newbie.

Tonight’s episode will see Caroline Flack head back into the villa as those big decisions are made, and this is what we’re predicting will go down...

Michael dumping Amber

Let’s start with the big one, shall we?

Over the last few days, we’ve seen our faith in true romance dying a death, as Michael had his head turned by new girl Joanna.

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Joanna and Michael

While initially, it looked like he was going to remain loyal to Amber, we’ve since had to watch on in horror as he slowly realised faults in his and Amber’s relationship. 

Last night, we saw him invite Joanna to share a bed with him, as he also discussed the instant connection he felt with her – more so than how he’d previously felt about Amber.

Even more painfully, tonight we’ll see them share their first kiss that isn’t part of a a challenge, seemingly marking the final nail in the coffin of his relationship with Amber.

As many have pointed out on Twitter, it looks like we’re in for a repeat of last year’s Georgia/Josh/Kaz saga as it’s increasingly likely Amber will be left single and heartbroken when Michael chooses Joanna over her. 

We are not emotionally ready... and yet we can’t wait to see how it all plays out.  

Tommy staying loyal, babes

Tommy might have had an early blip in his relationship with Molly-Mae when Maura caught his eye, but Casa Amor has only served to cement him and Molly as the strongest couple on the Island.

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Tommy and Molly-Mae

Tommy’s head has refused to turn for any of the new arrivals, as has Molly’s over at Casa Amor, and we’re fully expecting them to remain together after the recoupling. 

Any other outcome would truly be a shocker. 

Curtis sticking with Amy – but not out of choice

In a truly shock turn of events, the last few days have seen Curtis come to realise that perhaps all is not as rosy between himself and Amy as he’d believed, with the arrival of the new girls sowing seeds of doubt in his mind. 

We’ve already seen him confess to Tommy that Joanna and Jourdan have caught his eye, and in a preview of tonight’s episode, he’s set to officially make a move on Jourdan, telling her that he wants to couple up with her.

However, Jourdan already has two other boys chasing after her, as she has enjoyed flirtation with Jordan, as well as kissing Danny when they shared a bed last night.

What we can see happening is Danny getting to pick before Curtis during the recoupling ceremony, and choosing to couple up with Jourdan, meaning that Curtis has no choice but to remain with Amy. 

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Curtis and Amy

However, this probably won’t eliminate any potential drama, as we can see word getting back to Amy that Curtis was grafting other girls while she was in Casa Amor – and knowing Amy like we do, that is NOT going to go down well. 

Lucie picking Stevie

Lucie currently has a bit of a conundrum on her hands, as the singleton has kissed Stevie, having also shared a bed with George during her time in Casa Amor.

She hit it off with Stevie pretty instantly, but has admitted she’s yet to get to know George better.

But with the recoupling looming, Lucie’s running out of time to build a bond with him, meaning we think she’ll end up sticking with Stevie. 

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Lucie and Stevie

While she’s currently coupled up with fellow singleton Anton, such a decision probably won’t spell bad news for him, as he’s likely to couple up with new girl Belle.

Maura going for Marvin

Having pied Tom off shortly before he was dumped from the Island, Maura has been enjoying single life during her stay at Casa Amor. 

Within the first day, she’d already shared a kiss with Dennon, but later admitted she had doubts about pursuing anything with him as she believes he doesn’t listen to her. 

As a result, she started cracking on to Marvin, but things have yet to really progress any further between them, which leaves her with a massive choice to make. 

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Maura and Marvin

Because we already know that Maura isn’t afraid of taking a risk, we’re expecting to see her pie off Dennon and bring Marvin back with her to the main villa.

Jordan is left single 

With things between Anna and Ovie continuing to heat up over in Casa Amor, things are looking a bit precarious for Anna’s official partner Jordan right now.

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Anna and Ovie

While he had expressed his interest in Jourdan, she has since moved on to Danny, meaning he’s likely to be another casualty of the impending recoupling. 

Six bombshells say goodbye

They’ve been on the Island all of about five minutes, but tonight we predict a mass exodus that will see Lavena, Nabila, Maria, Dennon, George and Dan dumped from the Island as they fail to secure anyone to couple up with. 

Find out how it all turns out when Love Island airs tonight at 9pm on ITV2.