Love Island: Joe Garratt Becomes Living Meme As Results Of Recoupling Are Revealed

Tommy has gone and stolen his girl, and he was NOT happy about it.

Two days in and it’s already all kicking off on Love Island

Tuesday night’s episode saw the result of the first recoupling revealed, with late-comers Curtis Pritchard and Tommy Fury choosing which girls they wanted to steal. 

And as many had predicted, is spelled bad news for early favourites Lucie Donlan and Joe Garratt. 

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Tommy and Curtis got to pick which girls they wanted to couple up with

After getting down to some serious grafting with Lucie earlier in the day, Tommy chose to officially couple up with her.

Rather awkwardly, she and Joe had literally shared their first proper kiss moments prior, so needless to say, he wasn’t exactly thrilled at being left single. 

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Well done to Joe, though, who despite just having his girl stolen, still managed to do the most accurate impression of the blinking GIF we’ve ever seen.

Meanwhile, Curtis also made his choice after much deliberation between Amy Hart and Yewande Biala.

While it looked like he might make a last-minute decision to couple up with Yewande, he eventually decided to go with Amy, leaving a forlorn-looking Yewande still with Michael Griffiths. 


As a result, Anton Danyluk has also been left without a partner, with him and Joe now in a very vulnerable position. 

However, it’s likely the next few days will see the first bombshell enter the villa, so a new romance could well be just around the corner...

Love Island continues tonight at 9pm on ITV2. 

Love Island Contestants 2019
Yewande Biala(01 of12)
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Age: 23

From: Dublin, Ireland

Occupation: Scientist

She says: "I think people may be surprised. Every time I say that I’m a scientist, people are shocked. I think there are loads of intelligent people on reality television."
Lucie Donlan(02 of12)
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Age: 21

From: Newquay

Occupation: Surfer

She says: "I stand out and I’m different to the usual girls that might go on the show. I’m more into sports as well as being glam. I can do both, which makes me stand out compared to other girls. I’m more of a guy’s girl than a girl’s girl."

Claim to fame: "The last guy I was with was Charlie [Frederick] from last year’s Love Island. We got together a few weeks after he came out of the villa."
Amber Gill(03 of12)
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Age: 21

From: Newcastle

Occupation: Beauty therapist

She says: "I like tall guys who are muscly and athletic, I like people that go to the gym because that’s what I like. I want someone who is funny and that I can have fun with and doesn’t take themselves too seriously because I am daft."

Claim to fame: "I know a few of the former Islanders from Newcastle, like Adam Collard and Ellie Brown. Everyone knows everyone in Newcastle!"
Amy Hart(04 of12)
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Age: 26

From: Worthing, Sussex

Occupation: Cabin crew

She says: "I I have weird celebrity crushes like David Walliams and Simon
Cowell. You’d never go there obviously but there is something about them."

Claim to fame: "I went on a night out once and Liam from One Direction was there. We were in the VIP bit and so was he and he walked past me and I smiled and he said ‘Hey, you alright? What’s your name?’ He told us to come and sit in his booth and we had a picture together."
Anna Vakili(05 of12)
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Age: 28

From: London

Occupation: Pharmacist

She says: "I’m difficult to handle, I’m a drama queen and I overreact. I’m clumsy and I’m a messy eater. I spill my drinks all the time. I’m stubborn as well, if I’m in a mood then it’s really hard to get me out of the mood."

Claim to fame: "I ended up on the Iranian News earlier this year when my sister and I were away in Qatar with two Iranian footballers who have a huge following. Suddenly my followers went up by 20,000 and I started being tagged in fan pages!"
Anton Danyluk(06 of12)
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Age: 24

From: Airdrie, Scotland

Occupation: Gym owner

He says: "That’s a medical condition that I have… a wandering eye! I’ve never really been loyal in any of my relationships. My last relationship, I actually got caught cheating for the first time in my life and it changed everything for me. I saw how much it hurt her and what it did to her. So, for me going to into Love Island, it’s going to be the biggest test of my life."
Tommy Fury(07 of12)
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Age: 20

From: Manchester

Occupation: Boxer

He says: "I won’t be afraid to go and have a splash about in the pool, I’ll mingle with people and find out about everyone because at the end of the day I’ll be living with these people for a long time so it’ll be nice to see if I have a bromance in there, along with a relationship. It’s nice to be a bit standoutish."

Claim to fame: "It’s probably my brother, Tyson, but I’m my own man and I’ve said it throughout my whole boxing career. I don’t want to be labelled as his little brother, I’m my own man and I’m doing the best that I can do in life and that’s all I’m setting out to achieve."
Joe Garratt(08 of12)
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Age: 22

From: South east London

Occupation: Catering company owner

He says: "I’ve only had one girlfriend. I knew her locally but I think we started chatting through social media. I meet people in bars, that’s my go-to."

Claim to fame: "I used to play semi-professional rugby."
Michael Griffiths(09 of12)
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Age: 27

From: Liverpool

Occupation: Firefighter

He says: "I get complimented on my smile a lot. People seem to be obsessed with my lips. I’d rate myself ten out of ten, I would have said nine but I’m a hero so it bumps it up."
Sherif Lanre(10 of12)
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Age: 20

From: London

Occupation: Chef and semi-pro rugby player

He says: "I’m upbeat and cheeky and outrageous with my own friends so hopefully that continues in the villa. I’m always on a mission to make people
laugh.That’ll be of value in there."
(credit:HuffPost UK)
Callum MacLeod(11 of12)
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Age: 28

From: South Wales

Occupation: Aircraft engineer

He says: "I would say my best feature is my tan - give me an hour and I am golden."
Curtis Pritchard(12 of12)
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Age: 23

From: Shropshire

Occupation: Ballroom and Latin dancer

He says: "I have lived a very sheltered life because of my dancing, I’ve not done a lot of going out partying, going on dates because I haven’t had time to. Being truthful I’ve probably been on less than ten dates, maybe five dates. I have never met anyone online, I’ve never used a dating app."

Claim to fame: "I would say my claim to fame is that I’m on Dancing with the Stars Ireland and AJ Pritchard from Strictly Come Dancing is my brother."