Syrian Refugee Writes Open Letter To Britain On Facebook Thanking Strangers For Their Kindness

Syrian Refugee Writes Open Letter To Britain After Being Given A Home

A Syrian refugee has told of his joy at starting a new life in the UK, saying that he had met "such kindness from so many strangers" as he proudly showed off a picture of his new room.

Writing on the Calais People To People Solidarity - Action From The UK Facebook page, Jack AR, who does not use his real name for security reasons, wrote: "I had heard and read so much about how the British people were so unwelcoming to migrants and asylum seekers and want to close the borders and even bomb the boats carrying migrants.

"But my experience has shown me that the ones who care and want to help far outnumber the ones who don’t. I have met such kindness from so many strangers."

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Syrian refugee Jack AR has written of his joy at starting a new life in the UK

AR, whose story has been shared over one thousand times on Facebook, said the "terrible war" had forced him to leave Syria, something he did with reluctance.

He wrote: "Wherever I go I will never feel happier or more comfortable than being in my home in Syria.

"I have my roots there, I grew up there, I have all my friends and loved ones there (the ones who are still struggling to stay alive and the ones who lost their lives in this horrendous war), I have all my memories there, my childish dreams and aspirations."

He said others forced to leave their homelands recognised this unsettled feeling, having "felt the pain", but he never expected Brits to be sympathetic.

On Saturday when his host family showed him his room - with bed, television and writing desk - "I was stunned and amazed by their attitude and the way they treated me".

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The refugee's new room which he proudly posted a picture of on Facebook

Jack AR wrote: "The hospitality and care which they showed to make me comfortable is something I don’t have words to describe. This was a tremendous relief and soothed my fears and worries."

It is not known what part of the UK [he] is living in.

The refugee ended his message by thanking "everyone who made this happen".

He wrote: "You can’t imagine how many people are giving their time, efforts and money to help people like me. I thank all the Calais support /solidarity groups, the organisers and their dedicated supporters within the UK and elsewhere. I thank the Room for Refugees initiative and the people behind it.

"I thank everyone who helped to spread the word and showing me that people here really do care."

Responses to the refugee's post have been equally heartfelt.

Jane Thakoordin wrote: "Such a lovely and warm person deserves a safe home. We really welcome you and hope that your life here in the UK if full of the love and friendship that is reflected in all of the lovely messages. Much love and respect to you and your family."

Rachel Rawsthorne's echoed those sentiments, writing: "So glad you made it here safely my friend. Welcome to the UK, and welcome to the area....I live 18 miles away and am so truly glad you have somewhere safe and warm. Much love to you and your family my friend May all your fellow countrymen also find safe homes xxx."