The Amazing Spider-Man: Andrew Garfield Rescues Child In New 4-Minute Preview (VIDEO)

FIRST LOOK: Spider-Man To The Rescue

If you weren't already excited about The Amazing Spider-Man (in cinemas 3 July), this four-minute preview reveals footage that hasn't already been seen, despite the film's THREE trailers.

The Marc Webb-directed reboot has a lot to live up to if it is to create the same kind of buzz as The Avengers or The Dark Knight Rises, which could explain Sony's decision to release this extra sneak peek of the film, starring Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man and Emma Stone as his girlfriend Gwen Stacy.

It shows Peter Parker AKA Spider-Man having to rescue an innocent child from a burning car hanging off of a bridge - the victim of one of the Lizard (Rhys Ifans)’s latest rampage.

We also see Parker on his quest to find out the truth about his family - as he puts it: "When your past is a mystery, how do you ever stop looking for the truth?"