Prime Minister David Cameron Pledges To Stick To His Economic Plan

Cameron Pledges To Stick To Economic Plan Despite Cable

David Cameron will vow he is "sticking to the plan" on the economy - after Vince Cable said it was time to change course.

The Prime Minister will pledge to "hold firm" despite a turbulent few weeks that has seen loss of Britain's AAA credit rating and a by-election drubbing.

It puts him rather at odds with Business Secretary Cable, who suggested it might be time to start borrowing more - a similar view to the 'Plan B' being demanded by Labour.

However, in a major speech on the economy on Thursday, Cameron will say those who "falter" would plunge the United Kingdom "back into the abyss" just at a time when there were signs the government's plan was starting to work.

Speaking in West Yorkshire, Mr Cameron is expected to say: "I know some people think it is being stubborn to stick to a plan.

"That somehow this is just about making the numbers add up with no care whatsoever for what it means for people affected by the changes we make.

"But nothing could be further from the truth. My motives for sticking to the plan are exactly about doing the right thing to help families and business up and down the country."

Mr Cameron's visit to West Yorkshire will coincide with an announcement by BT that it is creating more than 1,000 engineering jobs in its Openreach business.

The Prime Minister will say Britain is reaping the rewards of the tough economic course the coalition set, pointing to the creation of one million extra private sector jobs and higher employment rates.

He will also highlight an increase in exports over the last three years to key emerging economies like Brazil, India and China as well as a 133% hike in goods to Russia.

Changing course and borrowing more will burden future generations with debt and leave Britain unable to afford good public services, the Tory leader will warn.