A Poem For Valentine's Day: Fran Byrne Performs 'Nerve Cell' And 'Science Soulmate' (VIDEO)

A Poem For Valentine's Day: Fran Byrne Performs 'Nerve Cell' And 'Science Soulmate' (VIDEO)

Romance and science aren't always easy bedfellows, particularly when we're talking about the red-roses-and-chocolates side of things. But here in the third of our series of original Valentine's Day poems, Fran Byrne manages to weave together the language of love with the language of science to greatly amusing (and oddly poignant) effect.

You can hear more from Fran at his website, dnapoets.yolasite.com or on Twitter where he is @ScienceSayings. He also runs the site 'T S Eliot Edit':