EDL Backs Rod Liddle Column Linking Muslim 'Bake Off' Winner To Uncontrolled Immigration

Rod Liddle's Bizarre 'Bake Off' Column Wins Support From EDL

Rod Liddle's attempt to conflate this year's 'Bake Off' winner being a Muslim woman with uncontrolled migration has gone down a storm - with none other than the English Defence League.

The controversial columnist, who has previously penned articles mocking sexual harassment and joked about a transgender Labour election candidate, on Thursday published a piece posing whether mother-of-three Nadiya Hussain's win would "mean that unlimited immigration is perfectly OK?"

Nadiya, the Spectator journalist claimed, was "plucked from a group of typically ‘diverse’ human beings which the BBC presumably thinks is representative of modern Britain. Or perhaps wishes was."

In true-to-form tactful fashion, he elaborated: "A gay here, a foreigner there, a BME Brit and of course Nadiya. As the TV columnist Ally Ross put it, the BBC must have been dancing a multicultural jig of joy.

"All that was missing was a blind amputee, beating up his batter with a specially adapted hand whisk, transgendered guide dog wagging its tail close by."

Liddle bemoaned the "look how far we have come" attitude, saying: "Nadiya’s undoubtedly deserved success does not mean that our immigration policy (insofar as it can be so described) has been successful or that the numbers coming in are desirable".

But his column won over anti-Islamist group the English Defence League.

They heralded Liddle's piece as injecting "commonsense" [sic] in to the 'Bake Off' "charade".

Liddle has not responded to the EDL's comments about his piece.