Introducing Slutever from VICE with Karley Sciortino Directed by Adri Murguia

Introducing Slutever from VICE with Karley Sciortino Directed by Adri Murguia
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If you're reading this in NYC or have spent a lot of time there, you've probably heard of Slutever. If you haven't, you need to. It's a cult phenomenon blog by Karley Sciortino about her...well...sexcapades.

In true cultural tastemaker style, VICE has cottoned onto this and created

VICE.COM's original video content version of Slutever - where Sciortino explores the endless, mysterious labyrinth of human sexuality. It launched last week and has suddenly became one of the most talked about videos to have come out of the site in a while (you can tell by the Facebook Likes). This is mostly in part to the fact that it is so different to everything else they do.

The show itself is a sort of satirical version of Sex and the City, which is identifiable even by the short intro, almost shot by shot mockery of the NYC version with Sarah Jessica Parker, instead in this lo-fi version, Sciortino makes it happen down the popular Bedford Avenue in Brooklyn. It's also a commentary on girls in their twenties living trying to figure it all out, except in this version of it, theres a lot of BDSM sex to contrast with it, retracting from the simplicities of SATC and simply using the style for Karley Sciortino, to ease her way into some of the weirdest situations ever.

It basically makes fun of our generation while at the same time catering to people that want to hear what Karley has to say about sex. Although its very tongue in cheek, at the end of the episode, there are some pretty straight to the point and smart realisations and you feel like you've come out of there with something.

VICE's Slutever is directed and produced by Adri Murguia, also a VICE documentaries host that we have seen gracing the heavy male-oriented journalism they tend to lean on. Adri hosted The Huayno Murders and the latest episode of Far Out: Faustino's Patagonian Retreat, she is also producing the current season of VICE MEETS. Turns out that besides heavy journalism on crimes of passion in Latin American folk music and patagonian isolationists, there was something else worth talking about, and it was overridden by girl power coming out of one of the "bro-ey-est" companies of all. It is interesting conceptually because VICE doesn't have any shows that verge on scripted and verite. They obsiously offer a lot more original content than their competitors, but Dalston Superstars is purely scripted and everything else they do is documentary, so this is new and catering to a totally different and potentially huge audience.

Almost out of nowhere, VICE has released this show that goes back to the roots of what VICE once was, taking risks on unconventional content and using their humor and satire as a platform to create cultural commentary. In this case, it's basically chicken soup for the broke twenty something's soul.

Karley Sciortino has been blogging about the intimate details of her life for the past four years and this series is most likely the most encompassing of her blog and defining and capturing her actual wit and personality. She made some sexy videos for Purple but they're just very aesthetic and non-linear. VICE's Slutever is the closest version of the real Sciortino that comes off on her blog.

VICE's Slutever episodes go live every Friday for the rest of the month of April. Get involved here.