My Long-Awaited Chance To See David Gilmour Of Pink Floyd

There are not many times in life you get to see your heroes. And even fewer who leave you with a better impression than the one you had. But the understated Gilmour is one of the greats. The encore of Time and Comfortably Numb will never be forgotten.

Watch this film they said. Indie classic they said. It had left audiences raving.

So after months of peer pressure, I caved and saw Donnie Darko.

Maybe it was my hormonal teenage mind, but I didn't get it.

A lot of fuss. And all over a slightly confused storyline.

A more recent viewing didn't improve it. But is it all the film's fault?

I mean what movie wouldn't buckle a little under the weight of burdening expectation. Excluding Pulp Fiction obviously. Which remains timeless.

Those that loved the film, did so in the extreme. Achieving somewhat cult status. It's all about expectation setting.

And it works both ways. Recommendations should be delivered with care. The words of a friend will alter perception.

And it's worse if you've set the bar yourself. Playing devil's advocate...solo. Slightly reminiscent of the film actually.

Yet there are those moments. Special ones which shatter all previous notions. Banishing any doubt.

Moments of legend.

Delivered by professionals who've been in the business so long it looks effortless.

David Gilmour is one of those.

Since my brother and his friends introduced me to Dark Side of the Moon in my mum's conservatory I've been hooked. Money from a paper-round was spent discovering different sides of Pink Floyd. Graduating from Syd Barrett, through to Roger Waters and finally the Gilmour years.

And last week I had the chance to see the man I genuinely class as a hero of mine. And he didn't disappoint.

Wailing guitar solos which left standing ovations. Top notes hit with ease. While those of a similar era like Elton John, Rod Stewart and Bob Dylan have had to rearrange songs to suit their evolving style, Gilmour's voice marches on regardless of age.

Pink Floyd's light shows feel like the stuff of wives tales. Becoming exaggerated with the years. Just how amazing were they? And how lucid were those present?

Either way the Royal Albert Hall, put on a show. Blinding at points and never dull, including an epic rendition of parts I-V of Shine On You Crazy Diamond. The animated backdrop continued along the band's well trodden path.

While sports teams in my life regularly cause frustration, Gilmour's show was quality on tap. Everyone greedy for more.

There are not many times in life you get to see your heroes. And even fewer who leave you with a better impression than the one you had. But the understated Gilmour is one of the greats.

The encore of Time and Comfortably Numb will never be forgotten.

So to the man responsible for making my last night in London after 11 years so special, I say thank you!