Tower Of London Poppies Petition Backed By Hundreds Who Want Installation To Remain

Hundreds Back Petition To Keep The Poppies In London

An online petition has been set up to keep the poppies at Tower of London, and the memory they evoke, for another year.

The art project, titled "Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red," brings 888,246 ceramic poppies to the property of Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress.

Appearing like a blood-red moat around the castle, the poppies pay tribute to the Great War's fallen troops and have so far drawn huge crowds who are keen to view the event.

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Each poppy has been sold to the public, with a share of the proceeds going to six charities - but they are only due to be kept on display until Armistice Day.

If the e-petition reaches 100,000 signatures it will be eligible to be debated in the House of Commons.

The petition, which states "many thousands of parents, children and grand parents wish to see them and keep the memory of the sacrifice alive", has so far gathered more than 700 signatures.

The petition comes as the popular tourist hotspot continues to be besieged by a deluge of tourists and Londoners alike, who are queuing around the block to see the artwork.

But the poppies have not gone without controversy, after The Guardian faced a fierce backlash for publishing an article that branded the display a "trite, fake, and inward-looking… Ukip-style memorial."

Guardian art critic Jonathan Jones, a former Turner Prize judge, prompted a furious response after dismissing the art instillation as a "deeply aestheticised, prettified and toothless war memorial."

Social media users and armed forces charities were quick to leap to the defence of the installation, branding the Guardian blog "a new low."

But, last week, Jones responded to his critics, saying his analysis of the work of art was was "reasonable, honest and founded not in some kind of trendy cynicism but a belief that we need to look harder, and keep looking, at the terrible truths of the war that smashed the modern world off the rails and started a cycle of murderous extremism that ended only in 1945. If it did end."

See how the poppies were made.