'Big Brother' 2014 - Week Six Recap

The romance between Mark and Christopher seems to have fizzled out slightly over the last few days. Unknown to myself and others if sparks will fly in the next few weeks; I stand by earlier statement that I don't believe it is genuine, therefore would not be surprised if any recent flames do burn out entirely...

Week six saw "Armageddon week" hit the Big Brother house; probably the biggest anti-climax this series has faced yet. Aside from a number of surprise evictions and a subtle change in the house's interior, did much actually happen?

Following the entrance of three new housemates, we merely witnessed them conspire in the secret bedroom about which housemate they were to evict on Friday. None of this had proved to be at all relevant as their selected housemate (Kimberly) was coincidentally absent from the house by Friday night's eviction. This resulted in one of the worst possible outcomes for the viewers, having to wave goodbye to Danielle; the Twitter and tabloid controversy-generator, and one of the public's favourites.

Recently, numerous stories have emerged all over the press and online regarding Danielle's private life and secret past; a past that heavily conflicts with her pure and religious in-house image that the twenty-five year old glamour model portrayed herself to be. Regardless of whatever Danielle's alleged "game plan" might have been, she proved to be a fantastic housemate, who provided entertainment, boisterous diary room monologues and hysterically reactions to most tasks she faced. Experiencing the delight of living with her myself, I am personally very disappointed to see her go.

In further discontent, I was also gutted to see Biannca given the boot after a short stay of only five days. I received a wide array of tweets from my followers asking me how I would have coped if I were still in the house, whilst many others implied that being a rather pretentious and judgemental man of "class and manners" I would have loathed the girl as a housemate. Whilst I may have spent my evenings posting endless tweets on how absurd and vulgar her X-rated behaviour indeed was, she was comedy gold on television. Having to experience first-hand how monotonous and cynical the mood was during my stay, I thoroughly enjoyed the breath of 'contaminated' air Biannca was. Instead, I must now watch the forgettable Pav, who I believe brings very little to the Big Brother house.

It was later revealed that Kimberly would not be returning to the Big Brother house for what appears to be unconfirmed reasons as of yet. Whilst viewers might suspect this could be to get away from Steve, terminate a pregnancy, or simply (and most likely) for the fact the she may be genuinely unwell, no housemate ever wants to leave through the backdoor. Steve was a good friend to me whilst in the house and therefore having to see him become the nations most hated this week is a shame. I hope that if any light can be made of Kimberly's departure, the public can judge Steve based on his own actions now he must stand alone.

The romance between Mark and Christopher seems to have fizzled out slightly over the last few days. Unknown to myself and others if sparks will fly in the next few weeks; I stand by earlier statement that I don't believe it is genuine, therefore would not be surprised if any recent flames do burn out entirely.

Predictions: If straight nominations do take place I believe we might see Pav up this week, alongside the prime scapegoats; Ashleigh, Chris and Christopher. The classic excuse of "I still do not feel I have much in common with this person" never gets old. Despite the fact airs have been cleared and a unity may be visible amongst the housemates, when you are living in that house, shit sticks and you must resort to marginalising somebody. With that being said, I hope Big Brother will throw a spanner in the works and provide us with more nomination twists to maintain the momentum of the series.