Don't Feel Old, But... These A-Listers All Made Their Screen Debut 25 Years Ago

Oscars for some, tragedy for another.

What were you doing in 1991? 

Starting university? Adapting your school uniform? Busy preparing to be born? 

Meanwhile, this intrepid bunch were making their big screen debuts and setting out on bright futures of glittering lights, a few Oscars, some controversy, some tragedy, and generally preparing to live the life accorded to the rich and famous. 

Which of these aspiring A-listers would you have pegged for greatness? 

Halle Berry - Jungle Fever
Steve Carell - Curly Sue
Leonardo DiCaprio - Critters 3
Brendan Fraser - Dogfight
Jake Gyllenhaal - City Slickers
Philip Seymour Hoffman - Triple Bogey on a Par Five Hole
Queen Latifah - Jungle Fever
Thandie Newton - Flirting
Gwyneth Paltrow - Shout
Reese Witherspoon - The Man in the Moon

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