Big Brother - the Rebirth

Channel 4 did the right thing in not renewing their contract with the Big Brother franchise. It was tired and they were trying too hard although I believe they got the mix of housemates and tasks spot on for the final series.

Channel 4 did the right thing in not renewing their contract with the Big Brother franchise. It was tired and they were trying too hard although I believe they got the mix of housemates and tasks spot on for the final series. But it was too little too late. Having a new production team, fresh ideas and lower ratings over at Channel 5 allows for a bit of a free rein and it is a fabulous idea to try out a pilot version on the fame-hungry 'celebrities' we have here in the UK before it is unleashed on the next group of wannabes riding the reality tv carousel.

Our never-exhausted barrel of reality TV stars seems to be the ideal choice of housemate. Add to this a couple of token Americans in need of a bit of a profile boost or feeling the need to ride the coat-tails of a famous ex-spouse or sibling, a couple of hyperactive teenagers, a bit of eye candy and someone connected to the world of politics and a couple of seemingly random choices and you have completed the guest list pro forma.

Do we want to see this mix of celebrities or would it be more interesting to throw a couple of members of the public in there - and I don't mean in a "I need to be famous" Chantelle type of way. I mean people that are really going to question motives and mix it up a little. I want someone to rock up to Kerry Katona and ask why she thinks leaving her children for three weeks is going to strengthen their family dynamics or to tell John and Edward Grimes to chill out for a bit. I want someone to tell Darryn Lyons to back off with trying to find some dirt to dish on the afore-mentioned Jedward and I want someone to 'high-five' Sally Bercow for just doing her own thing, regardless. Somehow I'm not sure that anyone in the house will do any of that.

The lack of live feed is disappointing - we have to trust what Channel 5 upload to their website. I'm not sure that Orwell meant for his concept to be interpreted in this way. Rather than Big Brother watching and controlling the contestants they are controlling the viewers. How do we know that we aren't seeing scenes "set up for our entertainment"? But I will be watching for the duration, just in case something happens although I imagine watching paint dry or grass grow could be more educational.