The Capture: 8 Burning Questions Episode 2 Has Served Up

BBC One's new post-truth thriller just got a whole lot more complicated.

If your head is feeling a bit scrambled after the latest episode of The Capture, don’t worry, because it looks like DI Rachel Carey is as equally confused.

The second instalment of BBC One’s new “post-truth” thriller get even more complicated, as it became apparent there’s quite a lot of tinkering going on with CCTV footage.

As new mysterious characters also entered the story, these were the questions we were left asking after this week’s episode...

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The Capture

Why has the CCTV of Hannah’s attack been redacted?

At the beginning of the episode, Rachel quickly discovered she could no longer use the CCTV of Hannah’s attack as evidence against Shaun after it was redacted.

Her immediate conclusion was that MI5 must have taken it, which begged the question of what threat it posed to national security? 

However, there’s also the possibility someone else had it removed – but who, and more importantly, why?

Who was the woman who arrived for DCI Boyd?

Rachel was immediately suspicious of the mysterious woman who turned up at the station to see DCI Boyd, and drew the conclusion that she must have been the one who had the CCTV footage redacted.

Thanks to the way she acted and was dressed, Rachel believed her to be from the security service, but there’s a strong possibility she could be someone else entirely. 

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The Capture

Did Danny really try to find out the woman’s identity?

After Rachel asked her former boss and lover to dig into who the woman at the station was, it wasn’t a task he seemed all too enthused about.

He later claimed to have “hit a rock” when looking into her, but we can’t say we were entirely convinced by that. Does he know something he’s not telling Rachel?

Did someone clean up Shaun’s car? 

Forensics found no trace of Hannah’s DNA in Shaun’s car, prompting Rachel to conclude it could have been wiped by MI5 – but it could also point to the fact that Shaun did not kidnap her in the first place, as he claims. 

Why does the bus CCTV not show Hannah getting on?

Footage recovered from the bus on the night of Hannah’s attack doesn’t show the moment Shaun is alleged to have hit her – but it also doesn’t show Hannah getting on it like Shaun claims.

Does this mean the CCTV from the bus has been wiped, or does it point to the fact Hannah never got in on the first place?

Who was in Hannah’s flat?

When Shaun (rather unwisely) broke in to Hannah’s flat in the hunt for evidence that pointed to her whereabouts, he was alarmed when it became apparent he was not alone in her flat.

After a chase ensued, Shaun lost the trail when he was ambushed by the mysterious taxi driver. So, does this suggest he is part of the same organisation the taxi driver is working for, or if he has a completely different reason for being in Hannah’s flat?

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Frank Napier on The Capture

Was the CCTV footage Rachel saw on a delay?

While Rachel saw Shaun enter no 48 on a CCTV feed, her colleagues outside could see no such thing. As we know, Shaun did enter the property, so could it be that someone is delaying “live” CCTV footage, or is there another explanation? 

What is the organisation operating under no 48?

Amid a myriad of secret rooms and corridors, it soon became clear that a secret operation was being run by Frank Napier. 

Previous details released about his character revealed he will take a great deal of interest in Shaun and his case, and how it could be useful to his own agenda – but who is he and who is he working for? Is he CIA? What does he want with Shaun? And is his organisation responsible for setting Shaun up?

The Capture continues next Tuesday at 9pm on BBC One.