Geeks n' Cheese - Loserville the Musical

is unashamedly cheesy, but it's the kind of cheese that we all enjoy every once in a while!

Love those geeks on Big Bang Theory? Love fun, energetic pop-punk music and awesome choreography? Looking for a great night out in London over the next couple of weeks? Look no further: buy your tickets for hit new musical Loservillenow, before the show closes after Christmas.

Hopefully, my exciting opening spiel has reeled you in and you're now madly panic-buying Loserville tickets. If not, however, let me give you a few more reasons why you should be!

Written by Elliot Davis and former Busted musician James Bourne, Loserville is inspired by Welcome to Loserville, the album which Bourne produced with his post-Busted band Son of Dork, and a few of the songs from the album - like Ticket Outta Loserville, which I haven't stopped humming since Friday - have made it into the show. Set in 1971, Loserville follows the story of aptly named Michael Dork (Aaron Sidwell) and his nerdy, sci-fi obsessed buddies as he tries to invent email before the father of his high school enemy, super-jock Eddie (Stewart Clarke). At the same time, he's struggling to overcome his natural geek chic and get the girl - in this case Holly (Eliza Hope Bennett) one of those illusive pretty geeks 'cursed' with brains and looks.

Although a few critics have been dismissing Loserville as 'yet another show set in a high-school', I certainly found that there is a lot more to it than something like High School Musical, with which the show has inevitably been compared. For one thing, the music is less American Disney-princess pop, more bouncy, early 2000′s pop-punk; much more up my street. And for anyone put off by the thought of a Busted musical, my music-loving boyfriend can confirm that the musicians are top notch, with some serious 'shredding' from the guitarists! Loserville is unashamedly cheesy, but it's the kind of cheese that we all enjoy every once in a while!

With a fab set designed to look something like the inside of a giant computer - all metal poles, flashing lights and high-pitched bleeping - and cute props and scenery drawn cartoon-style onto giant notepads, Loserville looks incredible. This is continued in the fantastic choreography, with cleverly mimed punch-ups (complete with 'Wham!' and 'Pow!' signs) and even a danced wedgie! The backing dancers are amazing, with impressively energetic moves and even a few flips.

Peppered with Star Wars jokes (I like "OB1... Cannoli?") and Trekkie quotes, the show appeals to the secret geek in all of us. While the whole cast are excellent, there are a few stand-out performances from the likes of Stewart Clarke, who plays the lead jock with just the right amount of detestability, and Richard Lowe as Michael Dork's wannabe sci-fi writer friend Lucas. Lil' Chris (you may remember him as the winner of Channel 4′s Rock School) was - somewhat surprisingly - outstanding in his role as sweetly nerdy, scout-badge loving Francis, definitely my favourite character!

So, if I haven't convinced you by now, maybe I never will. Or maybe I can with a snazzy closing statement. How about: get over yourself, admit that everyone loves geeks and cheese, and book your tickets already!

Originally published on my blog.