'Why Did Oscar Pistorius Kill Our Daughter?' Documentary Reveals Chilling Premonition By Reeva Steenkamp

Reeva Steenkamp's Parents Reveal Model's Chilling Premonition Of Her Death

As the world's press revs up for Oscar Pistorius's murder trial, with a pre-trial hearing set for Tuesday in Pretoria, South Africa, Reeva Steenkamp's parents have revealed a picture drawn by her, which they believe to be a chilling premonition about the tragedy that would befall her.

In a documentary to be shown on TV tonight (Monday), 'Why Did Oscar Pistorius Kill Our Daughter?', Reeva Steenkamp's parents present a drawing that she made when she was a teenager.

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Reeva Steenkamp's parents claim their daughter confided she and boyfriend Oscar Pistorius had been fighting in the weeks leading up to her death

It depicts a gunman standing under a tree, as well as a girl, with angel's wings and her hands to her face. Next to the girl is a staircase, which Steenkamp's parents believe leads to heaven.

Her mother explains, "Reeva painted these pictures when she was 14, they've been in the house for a long time now, but we never really realised what they were about.

"Here is a man standing in a field, next to a tree, and he is holding a gun. And then on the other side... is what could be Reeva wearing angel wings, and here is the ladder going up to heaven.

"And it is, if you look at it, it's a premonition of what happened to her. And she's petrified. She's afraid.

"She's showing horror and she's afraid. She's terrified. Her hands are over her mouth, and she's terrified.

"If you look at it now it's clear as anything that this is a premonition."

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Reeva Steenkamp's parents are struggling to understand what happened to their daughter

Steenkamp's parents also reveal that their daughter confided she had been fighting a lot with her athlete boyfriend in the weeks leading up to her death on Valentine's Day this year.

Tonight's documentary is a timely reminder that, amidst all the media attention, one couple lost a daughter, and are struggling even to begin to understand what happened to her.

'Why Did Oscar Pistorius Kill Our Daughter?' is on Channel 5 at 9pm, tonight.