James Bond 'Skyfall' Star Berenice Marlohe Owns Three Replica Guns

Bond Girl's Passion For Guns

Bond girl Berenice Marlohe has revealed she used to pose with her own guns in her mirror long before she landed her part in Skyfall.

The French beauty has been preparing for her role as the mysterious Severine all her life, admitting: "I always felt I should know how to look with one... So I've stood a lot in front of the mirror with them."

Berenice admitted to GQ magazine that she personally owns three replica guns and practised regularly with them in a bid to perfect her firearm handling skills.

The actress, who describes her latest weaponry purchase as "one of the very big ones", assured she had never tried to actually fire her own guns, but jumped at the chance to learn.

"I had to learn how to shoot a gun... well, actually, I didn't. I asked to learn. But it was too good an opportunity not to fire them for real."

Berenice and her guns will appear on screen in the Sam Mendes-directed Skyfall in October of this year.