Jim Carrey Reveals Comic Inspiration Behind The Mask, Ace Ventura: Pet Detective And Dumb And Dumber

Jim Carrey Reveals Comic Inspiration Behind Hit-Making Humour

PRESS ASSOCIATION -- Jim Carrey's comedy career was inspired by his mother Kathleen, he has revealed.

The funnyman's roles in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, The Mask and Dumb And Dumber have cemented his name as one of Hollywood's hottest comedic talents, which is all down to his beloved mum.

"People always ask me where the comedy comes from. Well, my mother was a sweet, sweet lady, but she was struggling with so much I felt like it was my responsibility to lift her out of it and free her from concern. I spent my life doing that," he said.

In recent years, Carrey - who can soon be seen in Mr Popper's Penguins - has flexed his serious acting muscles with thriller The Number 23 and last year brought the true story of a convict to life in I Love You Phillip Morris.

"I never leave the funny roles, I just go all over the place. I'm a creative, so I like to do it all," said the Canadian-born actor.

Having openly battled with depression, Jim has long been on a mission to make people laugh.

"My major quest in life is freedom from concern, that's my MO [mode of operating]. It's what I've done since I was a kid," he continued.

"Then it was for my family when money was tight, and for my friends. I realised I could fit in like a glove if I made people laugh, and now it's become this worldwide obnoxious pilgrimage."

Mr Popper's Penguins opens in cinemas on August 5.