Gwyneth Paltrow And Samantha Cameron - A Photoshop Too Far?

Matchmaking Mail Makes Photoshop Friends

It’s been a busy morning for one member of The Daily Mail’s web team, matchmaking Samantha Cameron and Gwyneth Paltrow as new BFFs.

In this picture, SamCam and Gwynnie look thick as thieves at Vogue’s Fashion Night Out in London on Thursday.

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But check out the feet - the reality is that the PM’s wife has been cut out and photoshoped in.

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Unfortunately for the newspaper, the less than convincing hack job was spotted and tweeted by The Guardian’s Jonathan Haynes, whose own Twitter feed often reads like a one-man campaign against Mail Editor Paul Dacre and his ever-expanding fiefdom.

The picture was quickly dropped from the Mail website and replaced by front and rear shots of the Hollywood actress sans her new best mate.