Food Tube LIVE | A Drinks Tube takeover - 1st July, 7.30pm BST!

Food Tube LIVE | A Drinks Tube takeover - 1st July, 7.30pm BST!

Where will you be at 7.30pm BST, on Tuesday 1st July? Tuning into Food Tube for a LIVE Drinks Tube takeover, of course!

The gorgeous Jamie Oliver will be joined by a gaggle of your Food Tube favourites to kick-start the Summer with a cork-popping, cocktail shaking, BBQ blazing extravaganza!

Join the countdown...

Here are just a few folk from the ludicrously awesome line-up, joining Jamie on Tuesday...

See the King of Cocktails, Simone Caporale, mix up your most-wanted. When he starts, you just can't stop him!

The mighty DJ BBQ will be taking to the rooftop to give you the best BBQ pointers from his new, best-selling book! Trust us, it's gonna be radonkulous!

Kerryann will be calling the shots, as she turns the tables and shows Jamie a trick or two on how to cook a family classic. Tune in to find out what!

And Cupcake Jemma makes for a perfect party - 'cause it can't be a real celebration without cake, right?! Let's introduce you to the sweetie pie herself...

Many more faces to join and some stupendous surprises along the way (including a hefty announcement from the boys in booze). You don't want to miss this. SUBSCRIBE now, and get ready to go LIVE!

Tuesday. 1st July. 7.30pm BST. Food Tube. Get it in the diary, folks!

Get caught up in the countdown on Twitter, fuel the frenzy on Facebook and Instagram your excitement! We're gonna show you just what Drinks Tube is all about...