Charlie Sheen Takes On Mike Tyson In A 'Comedy Central Roast' (VIDEO)

WATCH: Charlie Sheen Gets Roasted

Charlie Sheen smiled through his Comedy Central roast as Mike Tyson, Steve-O, William Shatner and half a dozen comedians ripped into his wayward antics and very public meltdown this year.

The 'roasters' jabbed at everything from his notorious taste for drugs and prostitutes, to his primetime firing and troubled family life.

Grey's Anatomy star Kate Walsh remarked: "It's amazing, despite all those years of abusing your lungs, your kidneys and your liver, the only thing you've had removed is your kids."

Throughout the good-natured onslaught, Sheen kept his singular brand of cool.

The ex-Two and a Half Men star had the last laugh as he quipped: "Drugs couldn’t kill me. Sex couldn’t kill me. The press couldn’t kill me. Two and a Half Men couldn’t kill me. Did you really think your little jokes were going to hurt me?”

Reflecting on his career, Sheen added: "It's true I've hung around with a lot of shady people over the years: Losers, drug addicts, dealers, desperate whores... but to have you all here on one night is really special."

Watch Sheen arrive for his roasting in the video above.