Katy Perry: Part of Me - First Trailer Of Film Looking At Firework Singer's Life (VIDEO)

What Katy Did, On Film

Well, Katie Price has already rustled up a few autobiographies, so why shouldn't Katy Perry put together what amounts to an autobiographical film memoir?

If it may seem a bit young at the tender age of 27 for the singer to be looking back on her life, it's older than both Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber, and turning the camera on themselves did those two no harm with their insatiable fans.

The film promises to look at why she loves singing, how she first became a performer, what her daily life is like now she's one of the world's best-selling artists, and how she can maintain a personal life in front of the world's press.

And the Firework singer has already packed a lot in. Born into a church family, with gospel music as her childhood background music, Perry has entered the pop history books with her album Teenage Dream's five number one singles, and her reign in the US billboard chart - for 69 consecutive weeks.

With her friend Rihanna, every outfit, every haircut is a statement chewed over by millions of fans, but while Rihanna has created a raunchy image with explit lyrics and outfits, Perry has opted mostly for fun - with polka dot outfits, towering heels, blue hair and lots and lots of lipstick - Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, but with a modern kick in her.

Plus the taming of a Lothario in the form of Russell Brand, marrying him with an elephant for company in India, and then splitting up a little over a year later. Perry seems too classy to turn this film into a warts-and-all revenge-fest on her estranged husband, but we'll, no doubt, be allowed to read between the lines occasionally, as in her recent video to Part of Me, where she was seen cutting her hear off and shouting for independence.

And fans can get involved in the final product, chipping in with their thoughts on what songs should be included, and even wardrobe choices, apparently. For more information, go to www.KatyPerryPartOfMe.com.

The film is out in the summer, but here's the first look above. Pics below...