Disney Princess: A Royal Celebration

Last month, Rapunzel was welcomed into the Disney Royal Court in a magnificent Disney Princess Procession and Rapunzel Celebration in London. An estimated 25,000 Disney Princess fans gathered outside in the unexpected October sunshine to wave to the princesses as they rode through London's Kensington Gardens in elegant horse-drawn carriages.

Last month, Rapunzel was welcomed into the Disney Royal Court in a magnificent Disney Princess Procession and Rapunzel Celebration in London. An estimated 25,000 Disney Princess fans gathered outside in the unexpected October sunshine to wave to the princesses as they rode through London's Kensington Gardens in elegant horse-drawn carriages.

Having hosted the UK Rapunzel Party on Twitter the previous afternoon, I was invited to bring my 4 year old daughter Mads and her best friend Rosie along to meet Rapunzel, and to join in the celebrations for her official welcome as the 10th Disney Princess.

Needless to say, I have never before seen two happier little girls. Skipping along towards Kensington Palace in their Disney Princess costumes, the girls were positively beaming with joy and anticipation. Usually not much of a softie, I found myself welling up (I know!!) just looking at their little faces as the first carriage came into view.

You can read the full story and see more photos from our magical day over on Really Kid Friendly: Disney Princess: A Royal Celebration

Also on my website are details and a preview of this weekend's Disney Princess: A Royal Celebration TV special, which airs on the Disney Channel this Friday, 25th November at 3:55 p.m..

A heartfelt thank you to Disney and to Historic Royal Palaces for hosting the most magical event I've ever had the pleasure of attending, and for giving the girls a day they will remember their whole lives. Thank you as well to Peter Andre for making this London mum blush with a designer-stubble-double-cheek kiss. (sigh...)